Friday, 27 October 2017
Today for a maths can do I played Addle. It is a addition learning game. I have played this game before and there are a certain amount of blank circles and numbers then you have to put those numbers in the blank circle depending on the answer. Say if it is ? + ? = 10 you have to find 2 numbers that equally ten so if there is a 3 or 7 you could use those or a 5 and 5. This game is very fun and useful.
Blog Commenting
Today I commented on Mele's blog. I commented on her Maori post. She did a fantastic job. I thought she she had a good description of what LS1 did at Maori with Ms. Whaea Odie and I like how she added an image to go a long with her post as well. I have also made a blog post about the Moari lesson we had. I wanted to see if she found it difficult to find where the places were on the New Zealand map because I did, sometimes I wasn't able to find where a place was when I searched it up so I had to move on to another one or when I at first I didn't understand but I was able to ketch on after just a few minutes.
Here you can find Mele's blog post and my comment below - Maori
Here you can find Mele's blog post and my comment below - Maori
Kiwi Can Recount Writing
Kiwi Can
This week wednesday the class and I had kiwi can with miss latoya and mr malu. The topic for kiwi can this week was respect. Firstly we played a few warm up activities before we got to anything else.
This activity included a ball. For the first game we had to split into 2 groups so mr malu numbered each and everyone one of us either 1 or 2. I was in group 2. From our group we had to get into a pair, my pair was Sakina. We had to stay in a straight line behind the cone with our groups and wait for further instructions. This was a race between both groups and the first pair in the front of the lane had to face the opposite direction of each other so one faced to the left and the other faced to the right then a ball was put in between each others backs and we had to make it to the end of the cones and back to where we started. Once each pair had a turn you were done. My pair and I found it quite difficult. Although the ball kept dropping we still tried but we weren’t able to make it to the end and back.
With the next game we did we still had to stay in our groups and our pairs like the last game but this time instead we had to face forward and try and make it across to the end and back with the ball between your buddies and your legs. Sakina and I found a strategy that helped us and it was to put our hand over each others shoulder so we could try and stay together. We also tried to keep rhythm with each other and make sure we were in time with each other with every step. We were so close to the finish line but the ball sadly dropped. I think it was because we got to excited and weren’t able to focus. I really enjoyed playing both of the activities.
After the 2 activities we went inside the class and talked about what we think we are. There were only 3 options and a cone for that option so we could go to it. We had to go to either the sports cone, communication cone or the dancing/performing cone. I decided to go to the sports cone. The people in each group had to talk about why they think they are good at that topic or why they like that topic. I like sports because I think I have the energy for it and I like to give it a try or even try new things.
Then after each group gave their reasons of why they like or are good at the topic we split into groups again. This time it was to see which group we went to depending on what we think. The first group was if you liked to work things out in your brain and such then the second group was if you didn’t like to work things out in your brain and such like that. If we decided we are the first group we went to Mr Malu and if we decided we were group 2 we went to miss latoya. I chose to go to group 2, mrs latoya's group. I think I was a bit in between the two but I still went to group 2. Miss Latoya and Mr Malu changed it up, instead of group two doing something that didn’t include using our brains to work it out we had to play 4 pics and 1 word which was a game we did have to use our brains and try and figure out using the 4 pictures that were shown a word. The 4 pictures had to be based off the word itself. We had 3 rounds of this. I think my team did a pretty good job because we got all of them right! On the other hand group 1 were exercising and doing physical things until the bell rang and it was time to say goodbye to Mr Malu and Miss latoya and head off back to class. I think it was super fun, I had a great time and enjoyed my time there.
L.I: To revise Recount writing
This week for writing we did another practise of the 40 minute recount writing. This time the topic was kiwi sport - badminton, but I missed out on it so I chose to write about kiwi can. We were shown all the 7 things teachers look for in our piece of writing or recount and TREE. T stands for title, R stands for reveal, E stands for events and the last E stands for ending. I tried my best to include all those things and try to make it better than my last one. After the time went off we had to stop writing because we were practising for the real test next week and so we know what to do and are used to it. Then we tried rating our own recounts properly. After counting all the ratings I did for myself it all totalled up to 34. The number I had to be at at least was 27 and I passed that number.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Raz Kids
For an other must do I did Raz Kids. I read the book - Morty the Meany. It is about a boy named Morty and one day he is tolled off by his mother for not doing his chores but instead playing a game. His mother had turned off the monitor for his game and said to him that he was not able to use his computer. That had made Morty upset and angry so he left to school at once without saying good bye to his mother. Morty had a terrible day at school also. When he wasn't able to solve an equation he felt embarrassed and in shame after the teacher corrected him in front of all of the students. One of the students pointed to the stain on his shirt which made everyone burst into laughter. Morty got furious with the student and the words of something very rude came out his mouth. The teacher was disappointed with Morty's actions and told him to apologies immediately to the student. Then at lunch break he had realised he has not brung in his homework and he felt as though he was letting he class down because in his class, only 5 or less late assignments each week then they would be able to have a popcorn party. He was sitting alone at a picnic table when his two friends ask him to join them playing soccer. They said things that were suppose to be jokes but since Morty was made he took it the wrong way and said more rude things to them. When he got home he was very annoyed and ran straight up to his room. His little sister asked him if he wanted to play with her because he promised her. Morty was still upset so he pushed her out his room causing her to tumble out into the hall way and make her cry. He closed his door and ran back into his bed. Later, his mother came into the room and they had a talk about his anger and his mother told him ways he can get over it. He tried it and it worked he felt much better. This is a very good book and I recommend this, it also has a few words for you to find out that you may not know.
This week Wednesday LS1 had Maori with Ms Whaea Odi. Each of us were given a sheet of paper which had a picture of the New Zealand map. A list of names were on the top of the paper that were different places and using our devices we had to try and find where they are on the map. A bunch of numbers were scattered around the New Zealand map on our paper depending on where a place was located. Then looking at the map online we had to find what number it was as from on the map on the sheet of paper. After that we then had to find the text box for that number and write the Maori name of that place. We were able to work in pairs to help one another out to do this activity. At first I didn't understand how I was suppose to do it but then I quickly caught on to it ticked off the places that I have done. Although I didn't get through all of it I managed to get most of them done.
Fractions: Add & Subtract
L.I: How to add and subtract fractions that have different or same denominators.
This week for maths we have been learning how to add fractions with different denominators and how to subtract fractions with different denominators. We had to make a copy of a google doc which had a list of addition and subtraction fraction questions and we had to put what the answer is in fractions and what the answer is in mixed numeral if it had one. To help me with the a few of the questions I used a white board and figured it out on there or I used pencil and paper. I learnt to subtract fractions also fractions with different denominator and add fractions that have different denominator.
Well Being Reading Frame
L.I: To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text.
This week for reading we had to choose a text that we have not read from - Leadership article, Well being article or the Resilience article but this time we had to work individually and not in partners but first discuses who would be doing which article. Since my buddy Nyjah and I have already done the resilience article together I chose to do the Well being article and she chose to do the Leadership article. Like the last time I did this activity I had to read the text and make a copy of the reading frame. It had the same questions as before. I read an article then write about it with activities and questions that are based off of it.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Raz Kids
Today for an other must do I decided to do Raz Kids. I read the book Little Miss Muffet. This book is a very short but it is about a girl named miss Muffet and as she tries to eat her curds a spider appeared which made miss Muffet get frightened and run away. This story was a nursery rhyme. I recommended this short book who is interested in nuresry ryhmes.
Maths Prototec
The PBS production - Recount
L.I: To create a recount and mark it myself.
For writing we had to create a recount for only 40 minutes to practise what it would be like and how the teachers mark it because testing is coming up soon. We all got the same topic because we were all there and it was the PBS dance production we had. We first planned what we might write about on a white board in our writing groups then separated apart and wrote our stories. When I finished but still had a little more time, I went over it and made sure it made sense and I had the things I wanted to put in the story. We were just practising a little about recounts and TREE but for the writing way. Then we looked at each others stories from in our writing group and marked it on the sheet that the teachers would actual mark it on. Then we swapped the groups around to see some other groups story and mark it in our opinion. My group marked fui's because fui was chosen out of one of the groups and the person chosen from our group was jack. Lastly after that mr O actually marked it of how it would have been marked. I think we were close but we were just off by 4.
Pixel Art
L.I: To develop artistic and fine motor skills.
Today for Daily 6 I decided to do Pixel art again because I find it really fun I drew a a donut with sprinkles because I thought it seemed quite simple and the image I used made it seem nice but for mine I didn't colour it in. I found the image from online and I used a pencil, a ruler and like before an eraser just in case. I found this task really fun.
Community Roles
L.I: To place the names of the different people in my community either in the inner, middle or outer circle.
This week for the inquiry task we had to create a 3 or 4 circle diagram about the inner, middle and outer circle. I created a circle of 3. For the inner circle we had to write about people we see a lot of the time like family. Then for the middle circle we had to write about people we see sometimes but they are not family. Lastly for the outer circle we had to write about the people who we might not see all the time but know they are making some good impact on the environment, community or world. I learnt about what a circle diagram is.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Blog Commenting
Today I commented on Alayahs blog. I commented on her Maths Planning. In my opinion I think she did a great job. I thought she chose a lot of really good and cool designs she would pick one from to use for her artwork but some seemed like it would be a bit difficult to draw or trace over. Mr Wong's math group which is my maths group has already done the Maths artwork so I knew about the blog post and I found doing the activity really fun. and I have also made a blog post about you might have seen. I just wanted to know it turned out looking and if she found it fun like I did.
Here you can find Alayah's blog post and my comment below - Maths Artwork Planning
Here you can find Alayah's blog post and my comment below - Maths Artwork Planning
Resilence Reading Frame
L.I: To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text.
For the reading task this week we had to get into pairs from our reading groups and each pair had to go one of either 3 links - Leader ship which was what Jack and Alex worked on, Resilience which Nyjah and I worked on and the last one was Well being and no one did that because there was no other pair to do it. All the links were to do with Rugby League. We also had to make a copy of a google slide recording frame which for the first slide we had to write 3 vital ideas, 4 very important ideas and important ideas we found in the text then for the 2nd slide summarise by writing down 20 important words we found from the text, decide and pick out the most 6 important words from the list of 20 and lastly using those words to summarise the text in just a few sentences, for the final and last slide number 3 just write about what we thought the text was about, Interesting facts we learnt from reading the text and question we have after reading it.
Fraction Problem Solving Video Recording
For maths this week we have been learning how you solve fractions equation. We only practised with addition equations. For the task we had to create a google slide using some addition fraction equations then solve them on a video recording to teach others how to do it. The app I used was Screencastify which I was able to download on chrome web store and on it I am able to share my screen and talk while recording at the same time. I learnt to solve addition fraction problems the numerals way and how to add fractions together.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
New Zealand vs Australia's Harbour Bridge Venn Diagram Bonus Activity
This was the last activity of day 5 which meant the last activity for the whole entire Holiday Blogging Challenge, I have had such a fun time doing this and being able to see what other people who have participated in this have done because I love seeing there creativity and getting ideas off of it sometimes. As you may have guessed the pattern it is a bonus activity. For this activity I had to create a Venn Diagram to show the differences and the same things between New Zealand Harbour Bridge and the Australia Harbour Bridge. I have done this on a google draw and used my researching skills to do this task. This was really fun. I do think our School Leaders did such a great job coming up with all these activities and topics.
Bungee Jump
How much does it cost? -
Adult - 165$
Child - 135$
NZ Student - 135$
It would cost me 135.
The requirements -
Age - 10 +
Weight - 35kgs but the maximum
is 150kgs.
Height - At least 120cm.
For activity 2 day 5 I had to find out the requirements and how much it would cost for me to bungee jump off the Harbour Bridge. So to that I had to use my researching skills. I found this site that helped me do this whole activity - Auckland Bridge Bungee Jump. It would cost me 135 dollars. I found this activity really easy and now there is only one last activity for me to do.
Adult - 165$
Child - 135$
NZ Student - 135$
It would cost me 135.
The requirements -
Age - 10 +
Weight - 35kgs but the maximum
is 150kgs.
Height - At least 120cm.
For activity 2 day 5 I had to find out the requirements and how much it would cost for me to bungee jump off the Harbour Bridge. So to that I had to use my researching skills. I found this site that helped me do this whole activity - Auckland Bridge Bungee Jump. It would cost me 135 dollars. I found this activity really easy and now there is only one last activity for me to do.
Photography Exhibition Bonus Activity
It is the last activity of day 4 and it is a bonus activity. I am doing this activity a bit late because it is day now but it is because I slightly struggled but I completed it now. For this activity I had to find out what the exhibition was for the Auckland Museum and create my own 5 photo exhibition. I created it on a google slide because it seemed to be the only one that seemed the best to use and I used images that I attributed.
Harbour Bridge
It is finally day 5 and I think I did a really great job on my activities. This first activity for day 5 was about the harbour bridge. I had to find out - When was it built? Who Designed it? How long did it take to build? and How did it help Auckland? I also put in how tall and wide it was. I didn't put how it helped Auckland because I wasn't able to find but I did think about it. I also put in 2 images of the Harbour bridge for those who don't know what it is or have never seen it. I attributed them too.
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Vocaroo Parade Recording
For the second activity of day 2 I had to find out why there is a parade held at the Auckland Museum and when it is held so I had to use my researching skills for this part. We then had to record our answer that we found from a site call Vocaroo where you are able to make a recording.
Listen to my answers! - Vocaroo
Listen to my answers! - Vocaroo
3 Facts
This was the first activity for day 4 and now we are so close until day 5 which is the last day of the Holiday Blogging Challenge. I have had a really fun time. For this activity I had to go on a provided site which was the Auckland Museum site and find 3 facts about life as an ANZAC soldier then explain why I found them interesting. I did this activity on a Google draw and used 2 images from online to go with my DLO and attributed them too.
Monday, 2 October 2017
Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium Opening Times & Ticket Prices Bonus Activity
The last activity for day 3 is a bonus. For this activity I had to make a DLO about Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium and write the opening times and all the ticket prices. We got extra bonus points it we added images and attributed them so I did. I created a google slide and since there was a lot of ticket prices I made 2 slides for it. For the start of the DLO I tried to make it go with the topic so I created some little cartoon fishes and making the background a light blue.
This is activity 2 of day 3 and I for this activity I had to choose a sea creature from Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium and make an info graphic about them (extra points if we include an image of that sea creature and attribute it). On that infographic we needed to talk about their diet, habitat, and appearance so I had to use my researching skills. I made the background colour orange to try and match the topic a little.
Kelly Tarlton's
Now it is day 3 and I am doing activity 1. For this activity I had to go on the Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium site and find out how much it would cost me to go which is 50 dollars because it is 50 dollars for a child and I am under 15 which is considered a child. Then I had to find out how much it would cost my whole family which is 294$ if you look in my DLO you are able to find out why. I also added images and attributed them not including the others which I took a screen shot of.
Sunday, 1 October 2017
Bungee Jump Bonus Activity
For the last activity of Day 2 it is actually a bonus activity. We had to research about all the different activities you are able to to do at the Sky Tower, then pick one that we would do and make a DLO about it and explain why we chose that specific activity and how much does it cost. I chose to bungee jump and you can find out why and how much it costs in my DLO. I used 2 images from online to go with it and did the attribution for the both of them. I am looking forward to do the day 3 activities.
Sky City Mascot
For the second activity of Day 2 I had to create my own mascot for Sky City because I had to imagine the regular mascot - Scotty is gone for a holiday so then I have to create a new mascot for while Scotty is away and explain why I would choose my mascot. I also wrote about what parts of my mascot - Spotty represented. I found this activity really fun to to do. I also included a picture of the original mascot and attributed it. I used a photo of the mascot Scotty and traced over the mouth, teeth and the tongue.
The Sky Tower
Today is now Day 2 of the Holiday Blogging Challenge and for activity 1 I had to create a DLO about the Sky Tower and list 5 interesting facts about it. I created it on a Google drawing and also inserted an image I found online and attributed it this time. I had to use my researching skills to find all the different facts, for the second fact I tried to change as much as I could so it was in my own words like the other facts but there wasn't much to change.