
Friday, 20 October 2017

The PBS production - Recount

L.I: To create a recount and mark it myself. 
For writing we had to create a recount for only 40 minutes to practise what it would be like and how the teachers mark it because testing is coming up soon. We all got the same topic because we were all there and it was the PBS dance production we had. We first planned what we might write about on a white board in our writing groups then separated apart and wrote our stories. When I finished but still had a little more time, I went over it and made sure it made sense and I had the things I wanted to put in the story. We were just practising a little about recounts and TREE but for the writing way. Then we looked at each others stories from in our writing group and marked it on the sheet that the teachers would actual mark it on. Then we swapped the groups around to see some other groups story and mark it in our opinion. My group marked fui's because fui was chosen out of one of the groups and the person chosen from our group was jack. Lastly after that mr O actually marked it of how it would have been marked. I think we were close but we were just off by 4. 

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