Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Kiwi Can
This week Wednesday we had kiwi can in room 7 with Mr Matt and Ms Lily. Our theme is resilence and our topic is goal setting. First we recaped what we talked about last week then had our energizer. For this weeks energiser we played Snatch. One of the other teachers went around giving someone each part of a rope. Then we had to set it down on the floor infront of us. Mr Matt put some cones in the middle of the rope and spread them out. The rules were we couldn't dive in or else we were out, and we couldn't go on our knees to go get it. Ms Lily played music and we had to go around the rope anti-clock wise. When the music stopped, we had to try and grab a cone to not get out. If you didn't get a cone in the end, you were out and you had to sit on the side. If you and someone both grabbed the cone at the same then you and tio rock, paper, sisccors for it. We started with one practise round and then started the real games. The last two people standing were Andrew and Matthew. When the music stopped, Andrew quickly grabbed it just before Matthew and one the game. I enjoyed the energiser Snatch but didn't like when I went to get the cone because I scrapped my knees on the floor trying to get a cone which caused me to get out and it hurt for a short while. Then we came back on the matt and talked about goal setting and what it means. Goal setting is creating creating something you want to achieve. We also talked about how we can celebrate when we complete a goal. A lot of people had great ideas like having a party, spending time with family, or treating your self with some sweets. Then we played our activity which was octopus. The girls stood around one side of the room, and the boys stood around the other. Mr Matt stood in the middle holding two pool noodles and standing in a hoop. He couldn't move and had to try and get people with the pool noodle from where he was standing. If you were tagged by him then you had to stay where you were when you got tagged and try to get other people. Ms Lily would say something for the girls and boys to do and you had to get across to the other side without getting hit. For example, she might have said crawl, then we had to crawl to the other side. This game was also veyr fun and the last person standing was Lorenzo. We lastly came back on the mat and had GKQ which is General Knowledge Questions. After GKQ we did the points. We got 5 for each one but 3.5 for respect. We said goodbye to Mr Matt and Ms Lily then went back to class.
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