
Tuesday 8 January 2019

Blog Comment (Sakina) | Comment 74 - Summer Learning Journey

To earn extra points in the Summer Learning Journey, you can post a comment on other participants activities posted on their blog. In this one I decided to leave a comment on Sakina's post for her life in New Zealand activity. To find out more you can read the comment I posted above, or check out the link below for a closer look and better understanding.

Click here to view the post - Sakina's Post

1 comment:

  1. Hey Victoria,

    My name is Araura and I am from Wesley Primary School. I am also taking part in the Summer Learning journey.

    First of all,WOW that's incredible I cannot believe it you have reached so many comments I am shocked.

    What is your goal for commenting?
    Myn is at least 100 before the journey is over.

    Anyways keep up the Amazing work

    Blog you later Bye ��

    Thanks Araura


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.