
Monday 7 January 2019

Maui Dolphin Facts (True or False) | Activity 2 (Day 3) - Summer Learning Journey | WEEK 4

#1 Maui Dolphin have the lifespan of only 20 years.
#2 Maui Dolphins reproduce very slow.
#3 Hectors Dolphin is another name for the Maui Dolphin.
#4 Maui Dolphins communicate with moans.
#5 Maui Dolphin are the smallest dolphins of a species of 32.
#6 Maui Dolphins can be out of water for a whole hour.

This was Activity 2 of Day 3 for Week 4 of the Summer Learning Journey. For this Activity I had to find more about the Maui Dolphin and list 3 new facts I learnt about it. I then had to think of three other facts that aren't true. It is your job to identify which statements are true and which are false.


  1. Greetings Victoria,

    What an amazing blog post from you. Everything that you do is always outstanding. The facts that you have chosen a great. I love it how you've laid it out. I also liked it how you've added your statement and real facts together to make it better.
    Did you enjoy this activity?

    Nice Work!

  2. Mōrena Victoria,

    Georgia here, again, from the Kaikohekohe (Northland) cluster! You will be seeing me and Dani floating around your cluster today, because you guys are so busy. It is awesome to see how much effort and enthusiasm you guys are putting into your blog posts, keep this up!

    I have to agree with Mele, you really do have amazing blog posts! I also like how you have organised your work. I believe that learning about the Maui dolphin can really help us raise our awareness, also sharing the facts that you have learnt to others! Okay after researching this is what I believe is true or false:
    False- Although they are identical, they are physically & genetically different
    False- They communicate with clicks

    Let me know if this is correct! Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.

    Blog you later!
    Georgia E


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