
Saturday 5 January 2019

Mould Equation | Activity 3 (Day 2) - Summer Learning Journey | WEEK 3

This was the last activity for Day 2 of Week 3 for the Summer Learning Journey. For this Activity I had to solve a Maths equations about mould. If there were 7 different types of mould that each took 5 days to remove, how much days or weeks in total would it take to get rid of all the mould. My answer is 35. This is easily because 7 multiplied 5 becomes 35 which means 35 days or also 5 weeks.


  1. Greetings Victoria,

    What an outstanding blog post from you. I love the image that you have chosen. The image looks great, but "yuck". I got the same answer as you, which was 7x5=35. Did you enjoy doing this activity?

    Nice Work!

  2. Mōrena Victoria,
    I don’t even want to think about winter! My sister in Dunedin had problems with mould because it gets so cold and damp down there. Have you seen mould before?
    Well done for taking the time to explain your answer in detail, this means you have great comprehension skills and have the ability to give an explanation. Sometimes maths can come so naturally that we often forget how we even got the answer!
    Did you enjoy doing a maths question for a change? I think it is awesome that there’s different questions.

    I hope you and your whanau are enjoying the sunshine!

    Ngā mihi,
    Georgia E


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