
Saturday 5 January 2019

My Super-ability (Telepathy Power) | Activity 2 (Day 3) - Summer Learning Journey | WEEK 3

Image result for telepathy

This was Activity 2 for Day 3 of Week 3 for the Summer Learning Journey. For this Activity I had to pick a superpower i'd want to have and why. I would want the super ability of Telepathy. Both being able to get messages from someone elses head and give messages to someone elses head. I'd want this to be able to know what other people are really thinking and find information. I'd also want it because I can play mind games with somebody and give them things to do.


  1. Greetings Victoria,

    What an outstanding blog post from you. I love the image that you have chosen. "WOW" what has gone into you during these holidays. "TELEPATHY" amazing. That is a great superpower to have, because I've always wanted to read someone's mind. Do any of your sibling' want this superpower?

    Nice Work!

  2. Kia ora again Victoria,

    Wow what a awesome picture you have included, It tells the audience that your superhero power is going to be telepathy (the idea of being able to read what other people are thinking). Your reasons are really interesting, I like your idea that you can find information from people. It reminds me of the movie X-men, professor X had telekinesis and really helped the world! Although this could be stopped by a titanium helmet that his enemies also wore. Can you think of any other movies that had telekinesis?

    Looking forward to reading more.
    ngā mihi,
    Georgia E


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