
Friday 4 January 2019

Short Selfie Story | Activity 3 (Day 4) - Summer Learning Journey | WEEK 2

Short Story: I think this girl is standing on a building in a country of USA taking a selfie of her in front of a town. I think she was so fascinated of the great view that you could see everything and took a photo of it. She must have been very happy to be there that she took a picture of her being able to experience it. I also think she is in the United States because if you look closely in the back you are able to see The Rainbow Bridge. She stood their so the camera could get a higher and defined view of wheres she was. At the time I think she was walking around taking a photo of other things. I even think she could have been on a tour or it was just a visit or trip being there. This girl stopped to get a selfie to remember her time at that place.

This was Activity  3 of Day 4 of Week 2 in Summer Learning Journey. In this photo I had to choose out of three selfies to explain in a short story what was going on in the picture. I had to include where they were at, what they were doing at the time, and just what was happening. I chose picture three because it looked very  interesting. To earn full points the story had to be 8-10 complete sentences which I only did 8.


  1. Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for sharing your blog post about your short selfie story. I chose this image too, because I knew that I had a lot to write about. Your story sounds so interesting, because you added great and clear adjectives to make your writing more inspiring. I liked it when you said "she stood their so the camera could get a higher and defined view of wheres she was". That was a great sentence. I think that when people read this story they would definitely love it, because you nailed it!

    Nice Work!

  2. Kia ora again Victoria,

    You have gone above and beyond for the activity ‘Picture Perfect’! I really appreciate this awesome explanation, we can tell that you have put in a lot of effort into this blog post.
    Wow, you have really looked at this picture carefully to point out the bridge in the background. I didn’t know that the bridge at Niagara falls is called ‘Rainbow Bridge’, It sure looks very similar to the one we see in this photo. It is a very beautiful background with lots of old buildings, would you want to do the same and get a selfie here? I think it is dangerous and she shouldn’t be standing on the ledge, what do you think?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Blog you later!
    Georgia E


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