
Monday 7 January 2019

Blog Comment (Matthew) | Comment 7 - Summer Learning Journey

To earn extra points for the Summer Learning Journey, you can comment on other participates work. Today I commented on Matthew's post for the WWF activity. It was great he was taking part in the SLJ and completed the activity well besides one small bit of detail  he left out.

Click here to view the post - Matthew's Post

1 comment:

  1. Hey Victoria,

    My name is Araura and I am from Wesley Primary School. I am also taking part in the Summer Learning journey.

    First of all,It's is great to see you commenting on other people blog.

    How long would you say it took to complete 7 comments

    What is your goal for commenting?
    Myn is at least 100 before the journey is over.

    Anyways keep up the Amazing work

    Blog you later Bye 😀

    Thanks Araura


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