
Saturday 5 January 2019

Cloud Shapes | Activity 3 (Day 4) - Summer Learning Journey | WEEK 3

In this picture I see a cloud in the form of a bunny. I liked this picture the most because I really like bunnies and it's the most complicated things out of the three to get a photo of. Even though the shape of the bunny is distinct, you can still tell what it is. I also really like bunnies. If you are having trouble seeing this bunny here are a few points to look at. The highest part of the cloud are the two ears followed on below by the bunnies head. You can then see the upper half of the bunny like it's hands and body shape.

This was Activity 3 for Day 4 of Week 3 in the Summer Learning Journey programme. For this Activity I had to look at three pictures of cool shapes that clouds have made. Then I had to picked cloud picture 1 and write about what it is, what picture number, and a description about it in detail.


  1. Greetings Victoria,

    What an outstanding blog post from you. I love the image that you have chosen. This is also a good blog post, because you have explained it with detailed sentences. I love it how you gave a few tips to try and find the shape. Have you ever seen any of these?

    Nice Work!

  2. Mōrena Victoria,

    Georgia here, from the Kaikohekohe (Northland) cluster! You will be seeing me and Dani floating around your cluster today, because you guys are so busy. It is awesome to see how much effort and joy you guys are putting into your blog posts, keep this up!

    I was really struggling to see anything in this picture, until you explained the points (highest part of the cloud the two ears, the middle the hands and body). Kai pai for going through the effort in explaining how you saw it, it really helped me and I’m sure it will help others too. I agree with Mele, it is an outstanding blog post from you. Have you seen any interesting clouds around? Let me know.

    ngā mihi,
    Georgia E


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