
Saturday 5 January 2019

Temperature Graph | Activity 3 (Day 1) - Summer Learning Journey | WEEK 3

This was Activity 3 of Day 1 for Week 3 of the Summer Learning Journey programme. For this Activity I had to make a graph either digitally or physically of the hottest temperatures for places on record. These were - Dallol (Ethiopia), Dasht-e Loot (Iran), Tirat Zvi (Israel), Kabili (Tunisia), and Bandar-e Mahshahr (Iran). Using google sheets and google draw I created my Graph digitally.


  1. Hi Victoria,

    What an amazing blog post from you. I love the way your graph is laid out. The colour blue makes your graph stand out. These places are hot right? When I first read it my mind just exploded. "WOW". Nice One!

  2. Kia ora again Victoria,

    Congratulations on creating so many awesome blog posts with the Summer Learning Journey, you sure have made a huge impact on your learning! Do you know what you want to be when you are older?

    Well done on organising your graph and leaving spaces between each city, it makes it a lot easier to read and compare. These places sure are HOT! Would you ever like to visit these cities? I don’t think I could handle the heat, I get too hot in the New Zealand summer heat haha. Next time you should make the temperature go to 100 on the y axis (Temperature), this way the bars will be a bit longer and bigger.
    Keep up the hard work!

    ngā mihi,
    Georgia E


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