Kiwi Can

Today LS1 had Kiwi Can with Ms Latoya. We got into a circle and played the game Bip Bop bounce. In this game, Ms Latoya would stand in the middle of our circle and point to someone and say Bip Bop Bounce. You have to react quick and say Bang before she can say bounce then you can standing, how ever if you are late then you sit down. If Ms Latoya was point at someone else, but you still call out bang then you are out and sit down. Then we played rats and rabbits. The rats didn't like their name so they changed it to Horses. In this game there are 4 bean bags spread across from each other and 1 rats team of 4 and 1 rabbits team of 4 that were on both sides of the bean bags. Both teams are faced away from the bean bags and a distance away from them. Then Ms Latoya would call out a team name, for example Rabbits, then the rabbits would have to try and quickly grab the bean bag before getting tagged by the other team. If they did they would be out. At Kiwi Can I learnt about resilience and controlling ourselves and our emotions.
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