
Thursday 9 August 2018

Kiwi Sport | Swimming

This week Thursday we had our third session of swimming at the YMCA Lagoon pools in panmure. First everyone sat on the wall and listened to what the swimming coaches had to say. They talked about hyperthermia and hypothermia. Hypothermia is when you are at low temperature and Hypothermia is when you are at high temperature. The effects of hypothermia is that your teeth start chattering, you start to shiver non stop, and your teeth can go to a blue or purple as well. To stop someone who is having hypothermia you can put a blanket over them, change their clothes if they're wet, and put them in the shower. You can turn the shower all the way to hot because our bodies don't react to switching temperatures so fastly, so you have to slowly turn it up at a time. Then we got split up into the groups with the coaches we worked with last week. I was with Cameron. First everyone sat on the wall and quickly went through how to get in for different types of water. We safely got into the pool and practised doing the skeli on our stomachs and backs. For the skeli, our hands had to go in a up then down motion, keeping our head up when we swam. We did this on our back and our front. Our focus was to relax. Then we did submersions into the water. The first one we did was the dolphin dive. We had to go into the water and try touch the floor for the first one and then get up to go again to the other side on the platform. We then dived in and try to go far and as low as we could. After doing this a few times, we gave Cameron a high five and swam to the end in any technique to head out.

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