
Friday 23 December 2016

Summer Learning Journey- Airplane Saftey

  • When on board have your seatbelt on at all times unless  an emergency or the toilet.

  •   If a mask from above falls, then pull the strap around your head. To make it more secure pull to more strings attached to the mouth part.

  • If needed life jackets are found under your seats. Rip back the tag to get it out, pull it over your head then clip the waist band. The red tab inflates your life jacket, for more inflation blow the mouth piece.


  1. Hi Victoria,

    It is very clear from this post that you watched the Air New Zealand safety videos. You've chosen three really important safety issues to think about when riding on an airplane. Way to go!

    I am pretty sure that you accidentally missed a few words in your first sentence, however. Did you mean to say, "When onboard have your seatbelt on at all times unless (there is) an emergency or (you need to use) the toilet?" If so, can you please hop back online and edit the sentence? It will make it a lot easier to understand :)

    Thanks, Victoria!!

    I'll come back and check your blog tomorrow to see if you've had time to make the small edits.

    Cheers :)


  2. Hi Victoria,

    Have you had a chance to be on an airplane before? It can seem a little strange to think that you have to know how to put on a lifejacket when you're supposed to be flying through the air. But the rules are there to help everyone to know what to do in different circumstances, aren't they? So they make sense in their own way.

    I'm glad that you paid close attention to the video of safety rules!


  3. Well done on listening to both safety videos so carefully Victoria. It's clear to see that you followed the flight crew instructions! Whenever we are on a plane it's very important to listen to all of their instructions, just in case something does go wrong so we know what to do.

    Have you ever been on a plane before? Air New Zealand often come up with quirky safety videos to make the experience more fun for you, which is one of the reasons I always like flying with them if I can.

    Hopefully you don't ever need to worry about any emergencies on a plane, but it's always good to be prepared :-)



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