
Friday 18 May 2018

Kiwi Sport | Rippa Rugby

This week LS1 had kiwi sport in the hall with Mr Hamish playing rip-pa rugby. First the class was split into 3 teams. Two teams played first. On each ends of the hall there were a row of cones set up. One team wore bibs and the other wore no bibs. The teams had to try to get a goal by touching the rugby ball at the cone line. We had to pass the ball to the player from year team to get the ball across. Then we played so that you could run with the ball but still pass. I scored some goals and so did my team mates, we all worked together. Then we practiced passing the ball down in our teams. We stood in lines and each team had a ball at the start of the line. When Mr Hamish (the rip-pa rugby coach) said go, the ball had to be passed down to the end at the last person and back up to the first person in the line. When the team finish they had to hold the ball up above their head. We only had a few rounds of this and our team won a couple of them. Mr Hamish asked us a few questions about rip-pa rugby and gave us some tips like how we should pass the ball as soon as we get it. We played some more games with the 3 teams but this time if the you had the ball and the other team tapped you on the shoulders with both each of their hands you had to pass it. Today we were learning the basics and a some activities before playing real rip-pa rugby.

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