
Friday 4 May 2018


This week we played football with Mr O although our kiwi sport will be rippa rugby. First he remind of us of what area of the foot we use to kick and why, also to control the ball. We had to get ourselves into groups of 4 to practise passing the ball and taking control. In my group there was - Florence, Alayah and Sione A. Each group had to get a ball and spread out into a space standing a square shape with your members. Someone started off by passing it the person next to them and the ball passed around in the square. The person the starter passed it to had to take control then pass to the next person and carried on the pattern. Next we played a game. There were 2 teams that were bibs and non bibs, I was in bibs. The instructions of this game was each team had to stand in a straight line with the ball in between each of the teams. Whatever number Mr Ogilvie called out, that was the amount of people that would be playing and versing each other. It would be the first people in the beginning of the line. Sooner or later we had goal keepers. Everyone was very good and tried there best. In the end we weren't sure of the winners but we all had fun. I though it was tiring because I was gasping for air and sweating. Finally we finished up the game and went back to class.

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