
Friday 27 March 2020

Leaf Art Challenge

Today Mrs. Anderson gave the class another exciting challenge to do while at home! This time, we needed to go outside and collect a few leaves of any sort and create a shape of an animal with it. Whilst trying to come up with something with my few leaves, I saw something that struck an idea. I split a leaf in half, and took two small bits off one of the taller leaves. And I was able to make a turtle! What else do you think it could be? Here are some interesting facts about turtles...

1. Some turtles can hide inside their shells in case of predators.
2. Turtles can live up to about 80 years, the oldest turtle aged to 187!
3 Antarctica is the only place turtles do not live other than that, they can survive in pretty much any conditions.


  1. Hi Victoria

    This is really creative, well done. Your facts are interesting and I definitely did not know that the oldest turtle was 187 years old, thats a very long life. Here's a challenge for you... if a turtle lives on both the land and in the sea is it an amphibian? Keep up the great work.

    Mrs A

  2. Hey Victoria,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your turtle is looking very cute. The facts were amazing. I never knew that the turtles can survive in any type of climate except in harsh cold. All the best for your other blogs!

    Keep up the great work!


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