
Friday 28 December 2018

No Logging | Activity 1 (Day 5) - Summer Learning Journey

This was Activity 1 for Day 5 of the Summer Learning Journey. Today I had to decided weather I think logging should or shouldn't be allowed in New Zealand. Logging is when trees are being cut by loggers. I disagree with the ability that people should and can do this. I think this for one because trees supply a safe environment for the animals, but if trees are constantly being cut without replacement, then those animals have to keep calling a new place home until their isn't one. I also think this because trees are an important part of nature as it provides oxygen and a better and healthy environment.


  1. Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for sharing your blog post about your idea of no logging in New Zealand. The image looks good and clear. "YES" I agree with your statement, because our native animals would sure get hurt from this. It wouldn't be fair, because they would need to keep on finding new homes for them and their families.

    Nice Idea!

  2. Hi Victoria,
    Well done on finishing this Summer Learning Journey activity. I disagree with you on this. I think that we should still be allowed to cut down trees (as we need to make room for New Zealand's growing population) but we could reuse the old wood from houses that get demolished. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Victoria,

    This activity seems so long ago, right? I've been going back and making sure all the early blogs are commented on. I really like the point you make about how trees are being cut without replacement. This is how some animals become extinct! Therefore I tend to agree with you on this matter.
    Have you walked through many forests in Auckland? A lot of them are being closed now due to the kauri dieback, do you know about that?

    I enjoy your work!
    - Lee


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