
Thursday 27 December 2018

World Wildlife Fun | Activity 3 (Day 3) - Summer Learning Journey

Today I completed activity 3 for Day 3 under the Summer Learning Journey. To complete this activity, I first had to find out more about WWF (World Wildlife Fun) which was a gathering in 1961 about protecting life on earth and animals. I then had to watch one out of two videos about this and then write about the name of the animal these people were working to save, what they are doing to save it, and any success they had protecting the animal. Click me - Tigers (WWF)

My Answer - The animal WWF are trying to protect in the clip are Tigers. To help the animal, they are running funds to save Tigers and making their statement of what they are doing public. I think success reached out of this is more donations for their workings.


  1. Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for sharing your blog post about your World Wildlife Fun. The image looks so cute with that footprint in the sand. You are definitely working hard towards these points. I love tigers soo much. I still remember how my year 3/2 class had a huge teddy tiger. Do you love Tigers?

    Nice One!

  2. Good morning Victoria,

    Did you enjoy watching the video clip on how to save tigers? What was your favourite part of the video and why? I loved the ending scene where they've filmed close-up shots of WWF workers from all around the world. It sends us the message that teamwork is still possible even when our bodies may be apart! It is great to have technology as a gateway to make big changes in the world.

    Did you also get a chance to watch the video clip on saving freshwater seals? What did you think about the clip?

    Keep up the good work,
    Susie :D

  3. Hi Victoria,
    Well done on finishing this activity. It's great that the members of the World Wildlife Fund are trying to raise funds to help the Tigers. Hopefully more people will donate to help the WWF save the Tigers. Keep up the good work.


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