
Tuesday 15 October 2019

Early Maori Enterprise & Economics

This week for inquiry we've been looking at Maori enterprise and economics. Learning about when it started, and how it started. In small groups we made a short summary of what we learnt in 5 sentences. Then we made those 5 sentences shorter by using only 10 syllables in each. To do this we used clapping and stomping methods to count them. Everyone's finished summary was recorded and preformed in-front of the class. Here are the both of them:

Original Summary:
Early Maori enterprise started years back. Maori were the first people to start economy in Aotearoa establishing bartering and trading systems between each other. They began to produce and sell more items and market mainly with food. They grew selling livestock and crop. Unfortunately their sales dropped when they lost most of their land and ownership to the crown.
Changed Summary:
Mao-ri en-ter-prise star-ted years a-go. Mao-ri in-tro-duced econ-omy with trad-ing. Pro-du-cing and mar-ket-ing more i-tems. U-sing live-stock, crop, and farm to bar-ter. Un-for-tu-nate-ly sales dropped from lost land.
(The lines show when we stomp, clap, or pat when it's another syllable)

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