
Friday, 15 March 2019

Kiwi Sport | Ki O Rahi

This week Thursday we had Kiwi Sport out on the fields with Shaniece. We got a chance to play a real game of Ki O Rahi and use our skills we learnt from the past few sessions to help us go about this properly. Everyone was chosen into a team of either Taniwha or Ki O Ma. Depending on your team name, you were given either a red or yellow rippa belt and tags. We started the game with one team spread out around the red cones. The team in the middle had a goal to hit the stand in the middle to earn them points. However if the other team around the cones were to get the ball, they could run around the circle touching as much of the T posts as they can. If one of their tags were ripped off by the other team, then the ball had to be passed to another team-mate of that person. This was really fun being able to play the real game, and playing around with the tags this week. Next week is our last week with Shaniece and playing Ki O Rahi.

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