
Tuesday 22 August 2017

Raz kids - Spare the Turkey

Screenshot 2017-08-17 at 4.39.18 PM.pngScreenshot 2017-08-17 at 4.41.44 PM.png
Today I went on Raz Kids and read the book -  Spare the Turkey. This book is about a boy who is tolled by his mother that he is having thanks giving with vegetarians. He was shocked, they weren't going to have turkey! How could their be no turkey on thanks giving? He was surprised, because when he arrived there was a table with a big bowl of salad on it, mash potatoes, yams and etc. He tried the vegetarian turkey that was there, but he thought it tasted nothing like turkey. Then when he tried the salad he loved it. He thought it tasted Delicious. On the way to their house, Darryl's mother told him he will be surprised when they arrive. At first he doubted it, but after trying the salad he agreed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Victoria
    I also know Raz Kids and I also read on there to.Who is the author and Illustrator of this book?
    Great Blogging!


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