
Monday, 8 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey | Activity 1 (Day 5) | W2

For activity 1 of Day 5 of week 2 from the Summer learning journey, I had to imagine that I was living in New Zealand back in 1945, and plan a VE (Victory in Europe) day party at your house. I had to put who I would invite and what I would do to celebrate.

I would invite my family members and a couple of friends and I would maybe go to the beach and bring a lot of foods that suit the summer season and a lots of barbecue type foods as well.


  1. Hi Victoria,
    Me again! :)
    Yes, I would do something very similar. I would invite my friends, hang out with them, go for a swim and eat some nice food. I think your answer is really genuine and reflected well our kiwi lifestyle.
    In order to make your written more interesting you could have added an image of a typical kiwi type of celebration as this would make your post more creative and engaging.
    Furthermore, I want you to proofread and read aloud your posts before publish it, try to create a habit of making yourself questions such as: Have I make my point clear enough? Could I describe this using more interesting expressions? What could I do to make this post more creative? You will be surprise that such a simple technique can really help you to improve your written skills significantly.
    I am looking forward to reading your next posts!
    Kia Kaha,

  2. Hello Victoria
    Good job on finishing this summer learning journey activity. I would also invite all of my friends and family if I had a VE party. We would probably go to the beach and then hang out at my house. Keep up the awesome work Victoria.

  3. Hello Victoria
    Good job on finishing this summer learning journey activity. I would also invite all of my friends and family to my VE party. We would probably go to the beach until it became late. Keep up the awesome work Victoria.


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