
Monday, 8 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey | Activity 3 (Day 1) | W3 | Bonus Activity

For activity 3 of day 1 from week 3 of the Summer learning journey which is also a bonus activity, I had to design the front of a post card using a google draw and describe what we have drawn on our  blog beneath the picture.

Describing the picture:
A river of dark blue water.
Tall trees. 
Bright sun in the sky.
Kiwi walking around.
Light green grass.


  1. Hi Victoria

    Its Allie again from the SLJ.

    I really like your postcard that you have designed. You have added some really neat things.
    I like that it is a nice sunny day, but remember that Kiwi's are nocturnal so they only come out at night time. So maybe your kiwi is walking in his sleep.
    This is really colourful and bright and would get peoples attention if it was for sale in a shop.

    It's a great thing to do when you go on holiday. I always send a post card home when I am on holiday. And I am sure that someone would like to send your colourful one on their holiday.

    Well done Victoria, Great job

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hi Allie,

    My name is Seniola and I am one of those students who participate in SLJ.

    I really loved your post it very beautiful.

    Great Job!!!

    Keep up the hard work!!!!

  3. Hello Victoria
    Excellent job on finishing this summer learning journey activity. I really like the postcard that you have created. I like how it is set in a forest with a stream/river running through it. Keep up the awesome work Victoria.

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