
Monday, 8 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey | Activity 2 (Day 1) | W3

For activity 2 of day 1 from week 3 of the Summer learning journey, I had to look at a list of popular boy and girl names in the 1950's.

List of girl names:     List of boy names:
Christine                   John
Susan                       David
Margaret                  Peter
Judith                       Michael
Jennifer                   Robert

At my school there is only one person named David and one person named Peter who is moving schools. Other than that I don't think there is anymore on that list.


  1. Hi Victoria

    My name is Allie and I am the cluster manager for the SLJ in Toki Pounamu on the West Coast of the South Island. So I live in Greymouth.

    The names on this list are not very popular anymore are they?
    I work in a school in Greymouth and we don't have any kids with any of these names in my school. We did used to have a Michael but they was a couple of years ago.
    What are the popular names in you school at the moment?

    In my school, we have a few kids with the same name. For the girls Ella and Aimee are popular and for the boys Liam and Jacob are popular.

    Well done Victoria, I look forward to hearing what the names are at your school.

    Keep up the great work.

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hello Victoria
    Great job on completing this summer learning journey activity. You did a great job on this one considering school is over for a bit and it's hard to remember names. Keep up the excellent work Victoria.


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