
Sunday 9 July 2017

Otago Rail Trail - Winter Learning Journey | Activity 15 | BONUS

For this Winter Learning Journey activity I had to write about if I would go on a cycle at Otago Rail Trail
and why or why not. I explained why and added a picture of what some of the Otago Rail Trial looks like too. This was a bonus activity.


  1. Hi Victoria,
    I agree with you. Going to the otago rail trail will really great exercise. Well Done!

  2. Hi Victoria!

    This is a really nice DLO about your thoughts on the Otago Rail Trail. I totally agree with you, I think there would be so many cool sights and things to find (a nice change from what we see in Auckland all the time). Very cool!

    Nicky :)

  3. Hi Victoria. I would also like to cycle there. Since it is 150 kms long, I wonder how long it'll take to make it to the end. Keep up the great work.

  4. Hi Victoria
    I would also love to cycle the trail. It would be so much fun. I wonder how long it would take? Keep up the good work.

  5. Hi Victoria
    I too would want to cycle the trail. Would you do it with someone else or by yourself?
    Great work


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