
Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey | Activity 2 (Day 3)

Ko Poneke Maunga te maunga   The mountain that I affiliate to is Mount Wellington
Ko Tamaki River te awa          The river that I affiliate to is Tamaki River
Ko Amerika ahau I am from America
Ko Kevin rāua ko Akei ōku mātua My parents are Kevin and Akei
Ko Victoria tōku ingoa. My name is Victoria

For activity 2 of Day 3 from the Summer learning journey, we had to write our own pepehas using a provided template for us. A pepeha is a special way of showing who you are and where you are from. There were extra other lines to the pepeha that I didn't have.


  1. Hi Victoria,

    Well done! This is a great start to your pepeha. Knowing your pepeha is an important way to acknowledge your ancestors and I also think it helps us understand who we are.
    I can see that you had some trouble thinking of an iwi and a hapu. This was difficult for me at first too because I thought I didn't have any.
    What I use now for my iwi (tribe) is Airiri which means Irish in Maori. I use this because these are the people I identify with because my family is from here. For my hapu (sub-tribe) I use Simpson because they are my immediate family.
    Perhaps you could try using these ideas to help complete your pepeha.

    Let me know how you go!

  2. Hello Victoria
    Well done on finishing this summer learning journey activity. Your pepeha is great. I like how you explained what a pepeha is about. Keep up the excellent work Victoria.


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