
Friday, 29 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey | Activity 2 (Day 3) | W2

For activity 2 of day 3 of week 2 from the Summer learning journey, I had to imagine that I was alive in the I930's where a lot people and families struggled because of the big drought that lasted for most of the decade. Then make a blog post and list 3 different ways that we could raise funds for families to help them buy food and clothing and such.


1. I could ask people around the neighbourhood or friends if I could help out around the house by doing any chores.
2. I could sell some items and such to my classmates and friends.
3. I could also go around local places and pick up rubbish to raise money.


  1. Hi Victoria,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team!

    These are all really good ideas! It sounds like you would have been a lot of help back in 1930! I wonder what sorts of items you would sell to your classmates. Would it be things you've made or things that you don't want any more?

    I love your idea about picking up rubbish! That's not only raising money but saving the planet too. Great thinking! I wonder how that would raise money though. Would you get people to pay you to clean at events or in certain places like parks?

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over the summer.

  2. Hi Victoria
    Well done on finishing this summer learning journey activity. Your ideas are great. I like the idea of picking up rubbish. You are not only getting money but you will also be helping the environment. Keep up the excellent work Victoria.


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