
Thursday, 14 December 2017

Tables Conga

For a one of the Maths can do I played Tables Conga. Tables Conga is a game I have played a lot of times so I decide to play it even more times. In this game you can choose to do your 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 times tables but it is also like counting up in that number like if it was 6s, you can just count in your 6s. I worked on my 9s again because it is the only high one you can do. To move, you need to use the up, down, left and right arrow keys. You mission or goal is to collect the all the correct answers by hovering or moving over them then they follow behind you where ever you go. More Xs start to appear after a few seconds and if you touch them then you have to restart the whole game so that pushes you to go more faster or doge them. This game is really fun and I recommend you playing it if you want to practise your timetables or counting up in numbers.

Play Tables Conga! - Tables Conga

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