
Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Severn Suzuki Speech

L.I: To understand how to deliver a speech.
L.I: What techniques can be used when speaking.
This week for writing we are now focusing more on our speeches. We watched some videos of speeches so we could understand how to deliver a speech and techniques that can be used when saying a speech. We got into a our writing groups and we had to discuss who would be watching which video. There were 7 video options. The Martin Luther King Jr speech, Nelson Mandela speech, Emma Watson speech, Malala Yousafzai speech, Severn Suzuki speech, Matt Cutts speech and the Graham Hill speech. I did the Severn Suzuki. After we watched the videos we had to write what the speech was about, a summary of the speech and answer the questions - Do they use rhetorical questions? Do they have eye contact with he audience? Is there different speech speed? and How to change. Severn Suzuki's speech is about how she wants adults to change their ways for the young children like herself. She goes on and listed a bunch of things that adults had done to the environment and earth that affects the lives of young children. I really enjoyed her speech myself. She did have rhetorical questions, she did have eye contact with her audience and there was a tiny bit of speech speed. I wrote all my answers on a google document. We only had a few minutes to do all of that before we came back to the matt in our groups and say what we wrote down.

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